Seeing a therapist for the first time can feel daunting, especially when you are doing your best to cope with all your struggles.
This is a normal part of taking the step towards 'doing things differently,' and Cleo is here to support you through it.
When you first meet with Cleo, she will ask you to share your concerns and invite you to ask any questions you may have. You will also learn some of the basics of therapy, including what to expect, confidentiality, and your hopes for therapy.
Together, you will explore what you would like to focus on, your priorities, and the direction you would like to take in life and therapy. If you haven’t worked these out yet, that’s OK. Working as a team means these answers can develop over time.
Dr. Russ Harris says that “therapy can be like a roller coaster at times.” Sometimes it feels easy, and you can see big changes; at other times, it can feel challenging or uncomfortable. This is a normal part of working through the obstacles that prevent you from leading the life you want. This process can lead to greater understanding, care, and freedom in living the way you desire and having an increasingly fulfilling life..